I got up and did my sprints at Coronado.
Didn't feel as sore or as if I was going to hurt myself.
My 1-mile jog time is getting faster!
It's not as hard anymore. I'm
more efficient I think. I'm
learning to relax and not tense up as I run.
Did 4 200's and 4 100's. Took
about 32 minutes altogether.
get a massage this afternoon.
I’ve felt kinda sluggish, but I made it through! I did 45 min of cardio this morning and trained my clients.
Did a lot of work on my website!
My mood was pretty good today; I started taking St. John's wort to
help with the “dieting blues.” Tomorrow
I will use ephedra/caffeine/aspirin for a while.
Anyhow, I lifted at 3:30 and felt a little tired, so I didn't do 4
sets on anything. I followed
the lifting with 45 min of cardio and then 20 more min of weights, abs and
tris/chest. I came home and ate a good salad.
a little more tired today, contemplated taking a nap this morning.
Anyhow, I train from 10:30-1:00, then I get to do legs and run, and
then talk to a client at 5:15. I
might run after I talk to her instead.
We'll see.
went well this morning. I
sure am grouchier. Hopefully
the St. John's wort will work all right.
I'm getting to the point where I don't want to train morning
clients early because it make me have to get up earlier and when I’m
tired I stress out about it. Had
headache again last night.
a medium bikini bottom in case the small is still too small!
had a good run this afternoon, about 2:15 at the park.
It was about 85 degrees out and sunny, a little wind, and kinda
humid. Felt like my legs were
made of lead! BUT...I thought
about giving up, stuck it out and jogged 2 laps!
Then I did 2 more of intervals.
My right hip flexor and left ham were kinda bothering me.
I was there about 30 minutes and then came back to the gym and did
about 25 min of legs. I just
took a shower and have a consultation in about an hour, and I feel good.
Today wasn't the best day attitude-wise. I'm able to talk to my clients about everything!
I know i'm more moody lately, and it's because my body is under
stress. I feel bad because
although I try to hide it, it usually shows through.
I just don't want to be around people.
Tonite I’m going to take aspirin before I go to bed, so that I
don't lay there with a headache and then eventually take some.
Got a nice compliment from a guy at the gym - he said he could tell
i'm training harder! I told
him THANKS and that it made my day! :)
I really do appreciate people complimenting me, it does make a
new client is awesome! She is
fun to talk to and is very excited about starting training! I love having motivated clients!
She told me she wants my arms, which is always an ego-boost, and
definitely a needed one today. I
love nice people! Genuine
people... non-judgmental people...we need more of them in this world!
is a busy one! I've already
done cardio, trained 4 clients, and now am gettin' ready to go back to
train 3 more, then lift. At
6:00 I train 2 more. Today is
my day I do cardio 1x. I feel
pretty happy today, not moody. I'm
just hoping I don't get tired and have a slump later on.
had a great day! Busy but
felt good all day long! Got a
little tired but had some time to myself.
It's good for me to work because it cheers me up and takes my mind
off things. I wasn't cranky. I'm more flexible lately.
Gotta be or else I'll stress out.
It's not good for me to stress or stay at home too much
had a good day today. In a
pretty good mood. Had a great
cardio workout this morning at 6:15 (got to sleep a little longer), and
haven't had a heavy work load today.
My next client is at 6:00. I
got done at 1:00 and then ran at the park and did some legs, came home,
had a salad, and now i'm hanging out!
After I train my 6:00 client, I'm going to do some abs and calves,
and then get my legs worked on at 8:00.
My run at the park was good - I did 2 laps jogging in 12:20, which
is an improvement. I then did
intervals for 2 more laps, for a total of 29 minutes.
I did about 26 minutes of legs at the gym.
My meals today have been good.
Don't notice headache today. Perhaps
it's getting better!
I’m back into my old routine. I
stayed with Morgan all weekend, and it was Easter yesterday. I had some candy and cookies and dough and stuff...a little
splurgey, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it.
I needed to have a little fun!
it seems that whenever I turn around, something or someone does something
to bother me, but after talking about it with a client, she told me it's
in God's hands. That makes me
see things in a new perspective. Well,
I’ve gotta go train another client and then do another 45 min of cardio.
No more excuses. I'm going to look awesome and I’m the one who's gotta get
me there!
has turned out all right. I
did 45 minutes of cardio afterwards, which went well, my left ham was
hurting a little. Made sure
not to push too much. Myssi
worked on my left trap/shoulder, which was hurting the other day and
I’ve had a little problem with, and it was very tight.
It hurt for her to work on it but it feels better now.
When she was working on it, we had a good talk about being saved,
God, and me having a spiritual life.
I feel calm and at peace with myself when I’ve talked about this.
There is only so much I can do on my own.
the eating has gone well today. Tomorrow
I will do well again, eating regular mini-meals and low-carb.
I need to learn to make steaks.
I'm aiming for 35 grams of carbs tomorrow.
For now, I’m going to bed!
has been a good day! I did 45
min of cardio this morning, trained a client, then came home and showered
and ate, and ran some errands! Trained
another client for an hour and a half, then another client, then I did a
short leg workout and ran 3 laps at the park.
I had a slump while training Amy and my leg workout was poopy, but
at least I did some. Anyhow,
I bought a vacuum at Target and cleaned up a little, and got Deuce a doggy
bed! Then I trained another
client at 5:30, and she's so much fun!
She had a great workout! I
did 45 min more of cardio afterwards and now I’m here about to go to
bed. Carb total for today is about 40 grams, and I feel pretty
good. As I’ve said before,
my hunger is curbed by the low carbs and I feel more stable. My mood got tons better later in the day, I was kinda crabby
this morning but not too bad. Tomorrow
is Wednesday and the day for cardio 1x only, we'll see if I feel like
doing cardio twice. Oh yeah,
I have a date Friday night!
has gone well. I had a pretty
good weight workout at 1:00. Don't
have to do cardio again today. My
left ham kinda hurts, so that's a good thing.
My abs are looking good! Didn't
notice any pain in the left shoulder when I lifted, but I did exercises
that wouldn't put too much strain on it.
in all, a good day today! I'm
finally getting tired and it's about 9:15, so I’m going to turn in for
the day. Trained clients
tonite from 5-8. Have had a
good attitude all day, pretty much. Carb
total for the day is around 50! Good
having a midday slump right now...feel like taking a nap...don't want to
though! Anyhow, it's been a
good day! I've done cardio
and worked a little and tanned, and just have to do more cardio later and
train someone and then get my legs worked on.
Not too hard a day. Well,
my brain is tired...more later!
cardio this morning, and I was told I was inspirational by this nice lady
at the gym. That was
really cool! I did my weights
at noon and had a good focused workout.
Only 1 client today at 8:30, so I have time to do errands and
stuff. I ran an errand for
her because she's been a little sick, so I picked up what she needed and
took it to her house this morning.
are lookin' good! Tom wants
to take my pictures and get Sharon to help me pose and work on my
standing. I thought that was
very nice of him to offer.
do more cardio later, then I’m going out!
a little note, the low carb gig ain't that bad...I’m not craving carbs
and it's all coming together...I’m going to make it!
my date is probably on his way to pick me up, then we're going to dinner.
I'm kinda nervous but excited.
I had a great cardio workout this afternoon and got to run a ton of
errands today. It's been a
great day! I've been in a
good mood all day long too!
date went very well! He came
to pick me up and had flowers! First
impression - he's cute, smiles big, and very polite.
We went to eat and got to talk a lot and it was nice.
abs are lookin' good! I did
45 minutes of cardio this morning, was kinda tired, but did it anyway.
I'm excited the changes are happening fast!
I feel on track and motivated!
with mom to her church this morning and then went and did sprints and
walked a mile with mom and Sebastian, her dog.
Then we went and ate lunch. I'm
going to go do some weights and cardio at 3 pm.
has been a busy but great day! :)
have worked a lot and worked out 3 times as planned, and my attitude has
been nothing but positive! Go
am greatful for:
friends & family
relationship with God
passion for my work
open heart and caring nature
afternoon, I have tons of free time, so I’m going to run errands for
Andrew's birthday. I'm going
to send him a care package! I'm
going to do my workout after I get done with my client tonite at 6:15. Guess I already mentioned that!
45 more min of cardio tonite and no legs.
My legs hurt while doing cardio, not too bad, but I know I need
them worked on! I can tell a
difference since they haven't had their regular massage!
has been a fun day, I’m a little worn out and grateful it's my day to do
cardio only one time during the day.
My legs hurt and so does my left shoulder.
this morning was fun because Kristen was giving me a hard time when we
were working out and we laughed a lot.
My clients seem to get a kick out of me and my "blonde
lifted upper body this afternoon, tanned, and am looking forward to my
massage tomorrow.
got a big bag of mixed nuts yesterday and they are almost gone!
I swear I am getting leaner by eating tons of fat!
My client said I looked skinnier tonite, and so did someone else.
He said he can really tell in my legs, which is awesome because
that's a hard place for most women to lose fat!
He asked me what I’ve changed in my routine, and I told him
mostly my diet and adding more cardio.
The fat seems to be melting off and it's really a big relief! :)
little headachy but alright. I
think coming off that super-ECA buzz has made me a little tired today.
upper body workout was great today - I wasn't really motivated but I got
in there and got started and worked out over an hour, wanting to keep
going! I look tons better and
worked out without a tank on! My
abs are coming in and I still have little love handles, just a little, but
that's going away fast! The
back fat is almost gone entirely!
a website:
Lord, help me to learn not to keep running ahead of You, trying to do it
all by myself, solving all my problems and everyone else's, and making
"heavy weather." Teach me to turn everything over to You,
claiming Your promises, praising Your name, and waiting for Your direction
and Your timing. ... My life could be less stressful, couldn't it, Lord,
and much more meaningful if only I'd learn. Help me.
Your holy name I pray.
I could not get out of bed! I
set my alarm for 5:35, and ended up sleeping till 7 am! No problem because my first client is at noon because my
11:00 client cancelled. Anyhow,
I got up and did 55 min of cardio. I
think my body must be in withdrawal from all that ephedra.
My right hip flexor was sore when I did cardio.
I get it worked on tonite, so that's something to look forward to!
I train Amy at noon, i'm going to do some legs and calves, and then I
don't have to do anything till about 4:30 when i'm going to do more
cardio, and then train another at 6:00.
Massage comes after that.
right now I’m in the midst of a slump.
I have a headache and got home not too long ago from the gym.
I got done with clients at 4:00 and did cardio, which was hard
because I feel drained. Anyhow,
I did it and felt good about doing it, and I’m going to carb up through
6 pm tomorrow! I had a
protein cookiejust now, and I’ll probably have some frozen yogurt later
legs feel tons better and cardio this morning was a breeze.
I had a pretty good upper body workout at 10:30 too.
It's the afternoons that are either very tiring for me or I’m ok.
mid-delts are really popping out when I do side raises, it looks cool! :)
this picture May 5, 2000 @ 129 lbs
up at 7:30 (went to bed at 9:30 last night), and did 45 min of cardio,
felt good! Body felt kinda
drained but all right. No
pain or anything, no leg wrap either.
I had oatmeal and tofu meat/cheese for breakfast.
Today I’m going to eat more carbs up until 6 pm.
At the most, 125 grams. Not
over the top or anything. Trained
a client at 10 this morning and at 4:45 I go over to kid-sit, we're going
to dinner and a movie.
has been a nice day. I got up
at 7:30 and did my running at the track.
Linda was there running bleachers, so I got to talk to her a
little. She has been
preparing for a bodybuilding show this coming weekend.
I had a good workout and then went to church at 10:45.
cardio and legs at 3:00 this afternoon, felt good and didn't hurt.
No wrap on the legs at all today or yesterday.
massaged at 6:30 full body. Felt
really good and relaxing.
worried about one of my friends and what she’s going through.
I know she's hurting inside. I
prayed for her and at church this morning I thought about it and almost
started crying.
also worried about going to Colorado next week to visit my brother.
It's going to interfere with my workouts and I’m feeling guilty
about thinking about not going. I know Andrew will understand, but he will also feel hurt by
it too. That's 4 days,
though. I can workout there,
but it won't be the same, especially since it's such high altitude. I need to think about this more and pray about it too.
decided not to go to Colorado, and i've talked to Andrew about it and he's
fine with it. I feel
has been pretty busy – barely got to shower when I got home at noon.
have gone fine today. Cardio
this morning was intense and I pushed it pretty good with intervals on the
stairmaster. I did my weights
at 10:30 this morning and felt good, did supersets, but didn't do too many
abs. Might finish them tonite
after cardio #2.
today has been all right. I
want to eat more and more nuts! I
know the fat is helping me get lean, but come on...
like I can predict when I’m going to get headaches...they seem to happen
later in the day. I have one
right now and it began around 6 pm when I was at work.
I did cardio at 7:00 for
45 minutes and it was intense, and the headache made it hard to focus, but
I had a good sweaty workout despite the discomfort.
My tummy hurts too. I'm
in a grouchy mood because my head hurts.
has been fairly ok. I've
seemed to lost a little of my focus, and i'm determined not to let this
happen! I'm too far along in
the game to lose it now! :)
did my cardio this morning and tonite.
No legs this afternoon. They
were kinda sore. I'll make it
up. Anyhow, headaches every
day. I think the low carbs
are doing it. Holding water
later today, ate chicken lunchmeat - high sodium.
Felt fat because of it. Attitude
stank during pm cardio. I was
trying to focus and just wanted it over with.
Didn't want to think about anything else.
Sometimes I just don't want to have to think.
feeling overwhelmed a little with being so busy. I need to start scheduling days where I don't work at all.
I need time off.
on my bikini this morning and I looked pretty darn good! :)
my heels in, finally, from Frederick's.
Easier to walk in them than the 5-inchers!
I’m back on the ECA stack for a week.
has been great! I did an hour
of cardio this morning! Planned
on 45 minutes but my 6 am cancelled, and then I was on the stairmaster and
Billy came in, so I did more so I could talk to him.
Felt good! No wrap at
all on either leg. I
stretched afterwards and sweated like a pig!
20 on tread and 40 on freeclimber.
Not overworked and I did good intense intervals.
My legs are sore from it, so it's good that today is my 1x cardio
day, as usual, lifted weights at 10:30 when I was finished training
clients. Had a pretty good
workout, didn't rest as much and could tell a difference. I feel stronger on my lifts, so I bumped some of the weights
up. Did the abs good too!
I'm looking better each day. Last
night I was bloated and that bummed me out, but tonite I’m looking cut
and my abs rock!
a compliment from yet another person at the gym - he said he could tell a
difference big time, and that I am looking ready! :)
pretty good today, too. Ate
chicken, tofu cheese, and green beans for breakfast.
I'm going to make a point to eat more fibrous carbs throughout the
day...not just once a day with my salad.
I need more fiber I think! Not
as many nuts today too. About
1400 calories altogether.
on ECA for a week. Felt ok!
hasn't been too crazy. I got
up and did 45 minutes of cardio, my legs were tired!
No pain, though, and no wrap.
Had chicken and green beans for breakfast, with some nuts.
client had to cancel her 9:00 appointment with me, so I trained another at
10:00 and then picked up mom for lunch.
Had a salad as usual.
haven't felt like training legs this week.
It's hot as hell today and I thought about doing them this
afternoon, before my clients from 3:30-6:30, but i'm not going to.
I'll do them Saturday or Sunday.
I feel that my legs get enough work anyway.
I get a massage, so I’m going to do my PM cardio at 6:30, have time to
eat something, then get the legs rubbed on at 8:15.
is great! I've done cardio
and weights already, which leaves me with only cardio #2 to do later
today! I've worked all I have
to, just from 7:30-9:30, and it feels really good to know I don't have any
more work!
this morning after my weights. For
my workout, I did back and shoulders, and I was tired so I took it pretty
easy, no giant circuits, and did supersets.
Took about 45 minutes and I was focused.
Wanted to get it done so I could get out of the gym!
pretty positive today!
massage last night felt good, and it's definitely not as painful as
before! It gets better every
time, and my legs are staying looser and injury-free! :)
contributing to the bulletin board, and it's neat helping
people get into better shape through my advice! They are greatful and it is easy for me to help, so I don't
mind at all. I even got a
compliment today from one of the people who posts messages:
must mention here that I like the way Sarah answers questions, in a very
reassuring, understanding way. Keep it up! "
55 minutes of cardio at 4:30 this afternoon.
I had some cake...not a ton, but enough to make me feel a little
guilty. Tasted so good
though! Anyhow, cardio was
great! I did 30 minutes of
intervals on the tread, 15 on the freeclimber, and 10 on the recumbent. My left ham started hurting and my right hip flexor did too,
on the tread, so I hope they are ok tomorrow.
Stretched real well afterwards.
has been pretty good, I’m tired now and it's about 10 pm.
I did 45 minutes of cardio this morning, not super-intense, but
enough. I was tired.
I slept well last night! I've
sneaked a little of this and that today with my diet, but not over the
top. Calorie total about
1600. Nothing bad, just part
of a cookie this afternoon, some brownie mix, and a girl scout thin mint.
Salad twice today.
become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do
things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of
Norman Vincent Peale
I'm going to get up and go running, then go to church.
I'll do more cardio later in the afternoon and get a massage later!
Going to bed now! :) Oh yeah, took more self-taken pictures in my
bathroom mirror this afternoon
has gone pretty well, I’m tired and can tell, and I’m stressing out
about my busy day tomorrow.
up and ran at Coronado at 8 am. Did
some 100's and bleachers. Felt
good and was there more than 30 minutes.
was great and I felt at peace there and afterwards. At lunch I ordered the Buffalo chicken salad, which I should
have known was going to be fried...but I never saw "fried" in
the description. I almost
panicked! Anyhow, no biggie,
they brought it back out with a grilled chicken breast on top.
45 minutes of cardio. My
brain is out the window lately. I'm
trying hard to focus on my competition, that everything else takes second
place. I want everyone to
understand and bear with me. It's
like I’m pulled in 2 opposite directions.
I want so bad to do my best and not feel distracted from my
training. I feel that I’ve
let things get in the way, yet I’m not going to get bitter about it.
I've gotta learn!
to go get a massage.
need to note that today I feel fat and I’m worried about getting lean.
I'm feeling like I need to cut back on food more and that kinda
worries me because I don't want to mess things up.
I'm making good progress and it's getting down to the wire.
was great, as usual! I'm
weighing 126 1/2! It was 127
1/2 on Friday, so thereabouts. I'm
going to bed soon!
got up this morning to find I couldn't walk!
My left inner shin, the one that hurts after I do cardio usually, HURT! Anyhow, I got up and went to the gym and started cardio and
it was fine. I did an hour of
cardio! 40 on the stairmaster
and 20 on the tread, with Billy, and felt great!
Didn't get to stretch afterwards.
Anyhow, I trained from 7:30-9:30 and then lifted upper body for 45
minutes. Pretty good workout
there too!
a salad for lunch and now I’m about to head back up to the gym to train
clients from 1-2, 2:30-4:15, and 5-7.
Cardio for 45 more minutes at 7:00 when I’m done with work. I get some breaks in today between clients, so I’ll
probably tan and just sit down for a few minutes.
as stressed about working so much today, now that the day is going.
I'll be fine. I just want all my clients to understand my priorities right
now and not take it personally if I’m "zoned out".
Later in the afternoon it takes all I have to talk and be
more ab pictures in the mirror, not that there's a big difference from
this weekend, but just wanted to!
feel tuned-in on my diet and training.
No holding back, I'm giving it 110 percent till the finish!
No reason not to!
15, 2000 @ 126
I am madbecause I’m finding that somehow this diary got messed up on my
computer, and 5/16-5/18 are erased, along with the pictures and other
stuff! argh! At least it's mostly still here.
I had a great workout this morning, I did 1 hour of cardio by myself,
focused and with intervals.
trained 3 clients, then lifted weights for 45 minutes.
Again, another good workout. I
have another 45 min of cardio to do around 5 pm today.
Looking forward to it!
weighed myself this morning - 124
I have had a GREAT week, very positive and feeling great about what I’m
doing. To recap the week -
Wednesday I was WIRED! After
that, I had an awesome cardio workout!
night I got my legs massaged, and Thursday was my day to do cardio 1x, not
getting more and more lean, especially in the abs!
feel like it's all falling into place, things are going smooth and it's
actually fun! I can see
myself going places with this! As
they say, if you want it bad enough, you'll eventually get it!
I want to see how this contest goes, and then go from there.
I want to keep competing. I
am going to see about sponsorship. Billy
has been talking to me about his sponsor, who is out of Dallas.
ran errands this afternoon, then I did 45 min of cardio and some abs.
I did 30 on the tread with intervals, and 15 on the freeclimber.
Felt good, I don't get winded on the treadmill at all! :)
I had a salad and now I’m spaced out.
I'm tired. I know
I’ll want to eat again but I’m not sure what.
I'm going to go do laundry. Feels
good to just sit!
"Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man
who lacks self-control." –Proverbs25:28
I’ve done cardio this morning, 50 min.
I had a good workout and then tanned.
Got a salad and ate at 11:00, then I binged on nuts.
I can't seem to stop eating them when they are there.
I'm not going to deny binging, because that won't help me stop.
What I really need to do is to just keep the stuff out of my house
- period. I can just get
smaller packages at the store and eat those.
A whole can is like asking for trouble.
I feel like I need to workout again later today, and I’m frustrated
because I'm going shopping later and I don't want to be thinking about
working out while we're out. I'll
be in a bad mood. I need to
calm down.
need to practice walking in my shoes…
got home last night. When I
went over to see him I ate leftover nachos and some cookie. Yikes. I guess
yesterday was my "splurge day". J
I got up before 7:45 and went for my run at the track.
I jogged a mile in 8:45, the usual, and then I stretched.
Ran bleachers across and back 3 times, resting 2 minutes between
sets. Felt really good, then
I did 100's, sprinting, then walked back, did 'em 4 times.
Tried the monkey bars with my new gloves, and felt pretty good
about that, not too hard. The
secret is to get momentum at the beginning and grab the bars wide, so you
have swing and leverage. The
only thing is that when I hopped up to grab the first bar, and
"cycled" my legs, my left ham right behind the knee twinged and
felt odd for a split second, but it didn't hurt afterwards.
Finished up with 2 laps of jogging and then stretched.
Total workout was 43:30. Now
I’m about to go to church.
went to church, it was a lively service!
I've been grouchy this weekend, i'm stressing out about things.
Things are worrying me, my leg, etc.
I did an hour of cardio after training a client, and I wrapped my
lower left ham. No pain.
Still worried though. I'm
about to go get a massage. I
hope everything is ok.
stopped chest training.
has been LONG and BUSY, but in the end, GREAT! :)
did my 1-hour of cardio with Billy this morning, and I was BURNING UP!
Had a sweatshirt on, but left it on for most of the workout.
My heart rate was definitely up there!
Good workout, and then I worked from 7:30-10:30, did my upper body
workout for about 35 minutes. I
can do 7 wide grip pull-ups, chin past the bar! Go me!
back to work at 2:30, got a break at 4:15 and tanned, then had 2 more
clients. Was tired the whole
afternoon, but not grouchy, just not as talkative.
Had a diet Dr. Pepper at 5 and another at 6! Helped with my cardio, though, which I did at 7:00 for 45
minutes. Another kick-butt
workout! I look good too!
I wore my short Hotskins shorts and a white tank, and I'm really
looking lean, and I got so many compliments!
I feel so good! Came home and took a shower and ate some chicken!
yeah, after cardio I stretched and Myssi had time to work on my inner
shin/ankle that was really hurting during cardio #2. It hurt for her to work on it, but it loosened up a little.
She gave me the most hilarious card!
I laughed so loud! Needed to laugh! :)
going to bed now, it's a little after 9:30 and I'm BEAT!
My body is TIRED, my brain is TIRED!
is weakness leaving the body." -unknown
some good cardio this morning, Billy didn't show up. Did an hour and felt good, didn't hurt to jog like yesterday,
but I only did 5 min of that. Tom
said i'm looking slimmer from behind, very encouraging! :) Very appreciative I am!
a client at 7:30 and I train another at 10:30.
Next person is at 2:00, then another at 5:15 and then I have a
bodyfat test to do at 6:30. Cardio
again after that. Took more
bathroom mirror pix.
cancellations. Andrew and I
ran a few errands and are getting our friend a cookie bouquet. Trained my 5:15 and then did the bodyfat.
I have sneaked carbs today, had a little of a donut at dad's and a
few malted milk balls and some crackers.
Felt kinda guilty. Did 55 min of intense cardio tonite. Wasn't too cranky but a little bit, felt better after working
out. I'm just tired and I’m
trying to focus and it's harder when you have more going on. Anyhow, stretched out my legs after cardio.
I'm about to eat some chicken and green beans.
Calories today are around 1700 i'm guessing, with most of that
being good food. Weigh 125 today.
23, 2000 @ 125
I’ve done my 1 hour am cardio, trained clients, lifted weights for back,
shoulders, and abs, tanned, and now I’m sitting here! I don't have to go back to work till 5:30.
Have 2 more clients then 45 min more of cardio.
far today has rocked! Good
mood and I’ve stayed hydrated! Good
workouts! Fun with clients.
I really killed one this morning on chest and arms, I made her do
intervals with the treadmill and she bench pressed.
It's fun to push clients that want it!
really looking good through the ab region.
My obliques are popping out and there are more cuts.
My legs are more cut too. I
was watching my shoulders as I did side raises this morning, and goodness!
There are cuts there I never thought I would see!
My delts are getting striated! :)
WAS DEAD THIS AFTERNOON...Andrew and I hung out and ran errands, got to
see our friend, and then I had to go to work at 5:15.
I was barely there! I
felt like a zombie. Wasn't
cranky though, just out of it. I'm
on the ECA as of today. Felt
ok with it.
40 minutes of cardio at 7:30 tonite.
My last 15 was on the upright bike, and my left ham started
bothering me, so I cut it 5 min. short.
Stretched afterwards and just wanted to go home.
Now I have to eat chicken.
meals today have been: MetRx
protein bar, Atkins bar, salad from Benaglio's, another Atkins bar, Pro
Complex bar, and now chicken and tofu cheese.
Too many bars today. I'm
craving protein. Again…too
many bars…need more veggies!
don't have any morning clients today, so I wasn't pressured to get up
early, but I got up and went to do cardio at 6:15.
Tom took some pictures of me before I worked out, and I’ll be
able to see them tomorrow. Both
he and Linda said I’m really looking good, which was encouraging! Worked on how to stand.
was harder because my legs
were tight and tired. Did it
though, gave it my best!
my nails done today! :)
to go do laundry at dad's, and kinda ate some tortilla chips.
Not too many, but enough to feel bad. :(
Now I feel I've gotta restrict the rest of the day.
got good lookin' brows and nice nails! :)
Had a great leg workout this afternoon...yes, I did legs!
Tonite I get 'em massaged!
25, 2000, 6:15 am @ 123 1/2 lbs
obliques are looking cool! I
need to make sure I stand up tall and don't slump!
this morning was hard, I wasn't as motivated and I’m tired, but I still
did it! My upper body workout
was not as intense as usual, but I did it too and got it
over with in 40 minutes or so.
have to do cardio again later this afternoon.
going to cut the fat back today and through the weekend
and see what happens. Took
some bikini pics again today in the mirror.
glad Tom took my pics yesterday because I can tell how I need to stand
from looking at them. I need
to stand up taller! If I
don't, my back looks wide.
has just plain ROCKED! Pretty
good day, i'm in a good mood, and i've gotten to hang out with my brother.
We saw Mission Impossible 2 this afternoon and it was pretty cool.
I'm about to go get him and we're going to eat somewhere.
Diet's been good today. I'm
trying to watch the fat and not take in so much, still keeping the good
fat in, and protein high, with low carbs.
45 min of cardio at 5 this afternoon, 30 on tread with intervals of
7.0-8.5, which felt good, but my hamstring and hip flexor were a little
touchy. I wrapped the hip
flexor. I should really wrap
the ham and the hip flexor, but I feel like i'd look ridiculous with all
these bandages on. Anyhow...
shorts are all hanging off of me...nothing fits! That's a good thing though!
May 26, 2000 @ 123 1/2 lbs, I can see the difference!
did 45 min of cardio this morning, my legs are really tired and my right
hip flexor is dead. I started
with 20 on the upright bike. The
rest was on the freeclimber. Just
had some chicken and green beans and I took a shower.
wondering if I need to carbo-load before I compete. Need to research.
just tried to do my bodyfat by myself, it's a little tricky, came out to
about 13%.
today has been alright, i've been tired though. Eating has been good up until this evening, we went to
Jason's Deli and I had a salad, not bad at all, just had 2 little muffins
with it. Not bad, just carbs,
and then at dad's I made brownies for Andrew and ate some.
I don’t even like brownies!
Calories today at the most are 1600, which is fine, I just feel
kinda down about it and like i've messed up.
really stressing out I think about this weekend. I don't know what to expect and i'm scared.
I know it'll be ok.
hate feeling so stressed, it makes me feel I don't have anyone to talk to
about it. I keep it in and
then I feel worse. I'll get
over it. Just nerves. I'll be ok.
going to bed. I took ECA at
8:30 tonite, partially out of guilt for the brownies, but also because I
wanted to stay up later to hang out with my brother.
I think i'll still be able to go to sleep fine.
I'm tired already. It's 'bout 11:30.
and I are going running in the morning.
and I went for a run this morning around 9:30.
We ran about 23 minutes. My
right groin was wrapped and the bandage chaffed my left inner thigh, and
it hurt!
tell me I’m too hard on myself, which I know for a fact, but I've always
been this way. I can't
remember never being this way. It's
just normal for me.
I had some chicken, green beans, tofu cheese, and flax oil for my first
meal. Probably will have it
for the second meal too, if I’m here at home.
It would just be so much easier if I didn't put myself in
situations where I’m able to eat "bad" stuff.
That means blocking myself off from those places or whatever, which
isn't the best thing, but if it's what has to be done...something to keep
in mind. I've learned a lot
this time around about how my body responds to diet.
I have to keep it clean and not cheat.
just ordered some thiomucase and bikini glue, next day air, hope it gets
here before we leave on Wednesday!
have to do more cardio later. I
don't want to go back up there. I
am getting tired of going to the gym, I just want a day where I don't have
my attitude has STUNK like rotten meat!
I can be such a grouch. I
hate that. I felt better
after we were through the workout a little bit more.
I just am so tired and my body is tired.
want to buy some thank you cards for special people that have been
encouraging during my preparation for this competition.
this morning was hard because I’m tired and didn't want to have to do
it, but Billy stuck with me for most of my hour.
I wasn't too talkative. I
did my back and shoulder workout at 8:30 and it was a good workout, 47
minutes. I feel depleted. My diet is ON! I'm
going low-carb through Wednesday for sure.
I'm not going to super-carb up but a little more before I compete.
gave me a great pep talk this morning, just that I need to do this for me
and do my best, and learn from the experience.
She really is a great person!
feel like I’ve lost my focus over the past couple of days, and I’m
getting it back. Even if I
slip a little bit, it makes it easier to let it happen again.
I'm going to stay on track from here on out, even if it kills me.
The end result is worth it. My
diet is going well today and my priority is to eat more REAL food, not
bars. Bars only if I’m
somewhere without real food. Keeping the attitude positive and doing fun stuff today to
stay stress-free. This is
going to be fun and I’m looking forward to being in the show.
really do look tons better than I have, and I need to give myself more
credit. I don't do that
really at all. This has been
enjoyable, despite the hours of training, stress, and the diet, but I
really have had fun focusing on it, and my attitude has been all right.
Better than when I competed the first time, that's for sure.
I'm doing better about not isolating and staying positive.
I know what to do and what not to do, and when I slip up and eat
something I’m not supposed to, I just need to get back on track without
being so hard on myself. That
happens and you move on. Deal
with it! :)
still want wedding cake after the show.
Not really craving too much, just that.
Dieting really ain't that bad.
I view it as a challenge and I feel powerful when I’m on track.
Goes back to the anorexia I guess.
I really have come a long way.
a movie this afternoon, relaxed and enjoyed it. Just got home from doing 55 more min of cardio, it was a
great workout! I feel good!
I got cards for Tom and Sharon, Linda, Billy, and Myssi just to say
tomorrow we leave!
this morning was was hard for me to talk and to breathe, I felt
really depleted, but I toughed it out and Billy stuck with me for the
hour. The 40 min on the
stairmaster was hell! Didn't
give up though!
is 122 1/2 today!
some arms at 8:30 after I trained a client.
My abs look awesome today, i'm going to continue to put the
Preparation H on 'em even thought it stinks to high heaven! :) It’s one of those “secrets” of bodybuilders…don’t
know if it’s worth the trouble, but I don’t care.
so pumped up about the trip and all, and the nervous energy is goin', so I
think that's why I'm going like I am!
Just a bundle of energy!
I have to pack and gather last-minute stuff.
train another client at 5:15 and then i'm going to do cardio again, then I
get a massage at 7:30!
put 2 coats of sunless tan on me this afternoon, the Neutrogena stuff.
I'm going to continue to apply it until Saturday, then i'll do the
Jan Tana stuff!
up photos I had taken of myself from the 23rd and 26th.
Taped 'em in my journal.
been in a good mood all day long!
some chicken and green beans at 7:15 and then Myssi worked on my legs at
7:30. It's now 11:45 pm.
I'm finished packing! I'm
putting all the toiletries and stuff like that in ziplocs, so they don't
leak or anything. I'm taking a bunch of stuff!
I'm surprised it all fits in my bag!
I'm not tired at all, well, a little maybe! Just put some preparation H on my abs and I’m going to keep
that up. I've said it before,
but I’m having a great ab day! Things
are happening at the right time! I'm
really feeling good about this!
"A man may fall many times but he won't
be a failure until he says someone pushed him." -
Elmer G. Letterman
Well, I’m signing off!
This preparation hasn't been too bad!
I set goals, reached them, and I’m going to have a great time
competing! My plan was to
document every aspect of my training and preparation, so that I will be
better prepared next time around! I
think I did a pretty good job! :)