Sarah's 2000 Galaxy journal Part II

(or, more of the life and times of a fitness competitor!)

  Sunday 6/11/00

As I sit here, about to go to bed, I look forward to tomorrow and getting back into my routine of training and dieting.  I've been eating pretty much whatever I want since my competition finished last Sunday, and although it's been nice, I’m ready to get my focus back and make some improvements!

One thing I’m going to change diet-wise, is include more veggies and carbs in my diet, not as much fat, and not as many protein bars.  I'm going to stick with natural stuff and make sure I prepare my meals ahead of time.  I made some chicken and fish for the week today, so i'm ready, and i'm going to get my oatmeal and egg whites made up tonite for tomorrow morning. 

The Florida competition was definitely a good experience, and I learned a lot from it.  Yes, I was disappointed in myself, but that's to be expected because I am such a perfectionist and I knew I wasn't at my best.  I'm determined to change this!  I will get leaner and be ready to step onstage in August! 

Monday 6/12/00

It has been good to be back in the swing of things, with working out and work.  I did 45 minutes of cardio this morning at 6 am.  Got out of bed easily and was ready to go! 

Diet has been on today, I’ve felt good and I like eating clean food.  My body seems to run so much better! 

Went in the aerobics room and took some pictures of myself this morning.  Just to show how I look post-contest, after pigging out for a week!  My abs are bloated!

Lifted shoulders and back this morning at 8:30 for about 50 minutes, and had an intense, focused workout.  Came home and made a protein shake, then went back to train a client.

Ate fish, 1/2 sweet potato, and green beans for lunch.  Was pretty good!

I'll eat again around 3:00, and then again at 5:00. 

Gotta train abs and then do more cardio tonite.  Looking forward to it! :)

Monday again...

On another note, it's been nice to see everyone at work and everyone wants to know how I did and wants to see the pictures.  It was nice to do cardio this morning with Billy, he said he missed me.  Time to eat again and back up to the gym!

Monday night...

I did about 20 min. of abs, was a good workout!  I like having carbs in my system, I feel  better and my muscles feel more pumped.  Did 45 min of cardio after the ab workout. 

  Tuesday 6/13/00

45 min. of cardio this morning...a great leg workout...good has been great so far!  I've got some down time till 4:30.

Tuesday night...

I'm going to bed after I check my email.  It's like 10:45!  Think i'll probably have to rely on some ECA in the morning before I workout, since I didn't want to get outta bed this morning...

Anyhow, I had a good treadmill interval workout this evening after work.  I did 30 minutes and it was intense.  Diet has been good today too!  Drank my gallon of water.

I want to videotape practicing in my heels and bikini, to see what looks best, and to work on my stances and walking.  I need to carry myself better, with more confidence, and to lessen my short torso and swayback. 

  Wednesday 6/14/00

Had a pretty good cardio workout this morning, 45 minutes.  Billy is low-carbing so he was quiet this morning!  I felt good and in a happy mood. 

I did abs and arms.   Had a good workout!  Burn those abs!

Now i'm home after training a few clients, I showered, and i'm about to eat lunch.  Feel good dieting again!  I feel that drinking a gallon of water each day is already making a difference.  I seem to feel and look better.  My muscles are fuller and i'm not bloated! 

I want my abs to look awesome!  All over, I want more definition and separation.  Drinking the water and keeping my carbs fibrous, mainly, and at a higher level, and less fat in my diet, will get me there.  I feel good about it!  I workout enough.  It all comes down to finding the right diet and not cheating myself.

My legs and butt are SORE as hell today!  They were already getting sore last night!  I like the soreness because it's in the right spots!  :)  I am going to focus more on my rear and getting it tighter.  All in all, I need to maintain my muscle and tighten up all over.

I've been home all afternoon, it's about 3:20, so i'm going to find something to do outside, perhaps run an errand or something.  I get tired sitting here!  Gotten a lot done though!  I've gotta train a client at 5 and another at 6, then do cardio again. 

They posted the Florida results and story on the Galaxy webpage.

Wenesday night...

I did 45 min of cardio after I was done with my last client at 7:15.  It was a good workout!  I did the first 35 on the freeclimber, and talked to a friend the entire time, then I did the bike for 10.  My fat intake this week has been so much lower than when I was dieting last's about 25g a day.  would say my calories last time around were 1600-1700 a day, and now it's going to be around 1300-1500, so there will be a difference, plus my fiber intake is higher.

Thursday 6/15/00

This morning, I did my cardio with Billy, started around 6:30.  Came home to eat, then trained Mary at 8:00, and then did legs for about 40 minutes afterwards.  Made sure to stretch well!  My legs are still sore from tuesday.  Anyhow, i'm going to eat again at noon.  Had a protein shake at 10:00.  Might go get lunch with Andrew, but I don't know where.  Too much temptation! 

Thursday again...

Today has been a good day, i'm glad tomorrow is friday.  Andrew and I ate lunch and I had some rolls and cornbread, but didn't stress about it.  I just didn't eat as much for the rest of the day.  It all works out in the end. 

Had a few clients this afternoon.

Came back to do 25 min on the treadmill before my leg massage.  My left ankle really hurt and it felt like it was going to give out, so I mainly walked at an incline of 10-15, since jogging hurt it more.  :(  The massage felt good, though.  I've missed 'em!  I'm going to work on my “prissiness” this weekend (practicing walking, etc.) 

Just made my oatmeal and 6 egg whites for my morning meal.  I actually like eating that!  I never thought I'd be able to down egg whites, i'm not too fond of them, but mixed in oatmeal with cinnamon and a little banana, and they ain't bad!

Friday 6/16/00

It has been a great day! 

I got up pretty well this morning, with the help of Thermo Cuts!  Did my 45 min on the Stairmaster and felt good, I had wrapped my left ankle before I left the house.  Still have it wrapped, in fact, because it feels better.  Billy didn't show up to do cardio with me, so I listened to MTV Jams and read a magazine.  Sometimes I like to do cardio alone because I’m able to focus better, but other day's it's different.  I stretched after the workout and then ate my oatmeal and egg whites.  Trained a client, then I lifted back and shoulders, which was another great workout!  I am concerned with my "love handle" area.  Anyhow, my shoulders were pumped and burning!  My abs are still around, and I think I’m looking better than I did before I competed.  My muscles are fuller and there's more definition.

Trained more clients after the workout.

This afternoon i'm going to do more cardio and then meet mom for an early dinner.

Saturday 6/17/00

Did my 45 min of cardio this morning, and then came back to train a client.  Had a good workout with her, i'm about to go train my dad at 1:00.  At 4:00 i'm going to do more cardio and abs, then my friend is meeting me at the gym at 5:00 to work on walking and stuff.  We're going to have pizza later! YUM!  Cheat day! J

Sunday 6/18/00

Pizza last night was good!  Enjoyed it!  I sure can eat a lot of pizza…

Myssi taped me walking/standing for about an hour last night, and I felt good about it!  It's not as hard as I thought, and having the mirrors to look at makes it easier.  I want to work on this every week.  I don't look bad, either!  My abs look good, and the water I’m drinking is helping my definition.

Anyhow, went to church this morning, it's been raining.  I'm about to go workout and then I get a massage at 6:00.

Sunday later...

Just got home from a good cardio workout.  I did 25 on the treadmill with good longer intervals, and then 20 on the Tectrix climber.  I had taped my left ankle/foot, and it helped.  Still hurt though.  Feels weird when I run, like it's going to give out on me.  I focused and breathed and felt strong! :)

Coach Atherton of A Team Xtreme emailed me and gave me this week's workout.  I'm going to correspond via email with him till the Dallas show.  This means a little more motivation for me and guidance!  I really am excited and it gives me some new training ideas.  I'm going to email him my workout/diet logs each Sunday, and he needs my measurements and stuff.

Anyhow, time for a protein shake!

Sunday again...

Massage was great!  I had some sore spots.  My ankle worries me.  It feels better when I run faster.  Anyhow, I ate 2 chicken breasts for dinner and i'm having a Pepsi One, since I haven't had one today.

Monday 6/19/00

Got up to the gym at 6 am and had an awesome treadmill/lunge workout!  I did the workout Coach A gave me, and it was great!  I had to do 200 lunges in the middle of my running.  Wow!  Talk about breathing hard and gettin' fatigued, but I made it!  Total of 42:30 for it all.  

Later I have 2 clients and have to lift back/abs, and then sprint later on.  Hope it's not raining...still...

Monday night...

Andrew and I had a great sprint workout tonite!  Kicked both our butts!  I was supposed to do 10 sets of 200's, but ended up doing 7, and then 3 100's.  Man!  Legs are jello!  No pain, though, had a good warmup and stretched.

I feel grateful that I have good people in my life b/c they are honest and up-front and true friends.  I've got the drive to get somewhere, that’s obvious in my  workouts...i'm wondering how long I’m going to continue as a personal trainer, I mean, I might need to really consider going back to school for my Master's degree.  There is more out there…

I took my measurements today and i'm supposed to get my bodyfat tested Wednesday to send to Coach A.  I'm tired and going to's almost 10:00...gotta do the running in the morning, hope it's not raining!

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday 6/20/00

Well, I started my run this morning at 5:30!  Got up, despite not being able to sleep last night.  My mind was too busy last night.  Anyhow, my run was great!  Hurt and was stiff when I started, I felt crippled, but then I loosened up and did the 200 lunges.  Total workout was 42:45, and I was sweatin' like crazy!  Came home and got to shower! 

Trained a client at 7:30, then another after him, and then lifted shoulders and calves b/c my last morning client cancelled her 9:30 appointment. 

Man, my butt is sore from the workouts!  Not terrible, though!  Shoulders got a good burn!

Tuesday afternoon...

I'm going to go over to Beth's tonite and do my water carry/pushup/crawl workout in her backyard!  That should be funny!  Legs are more tired as the day goes on...

Got nails filled this afternoon, thank goodness!  They were lookin' sad!

Tuesday night...

Andrew and I did the water carry workout at Beth's, and it was funny!  Morgan timed us and Beth wrote the times down in my log.  It was harder than I thought!  We had a good time, and Beth said I could use the yard even if she's not home.

My legs are DEAD! :)

Wednesday 6/21/00

My legs are dead still!  My morning run was good; I loosened up after a while.  I'm glad I get a rest tomorrow morning.  I'm trying to figure out when i'm going to be able to sprint today.  Might have to do 'em at 8 tonite.  Argh.  Anyhow, I’m tired and don't want to do them right now.  Just ate lunch, it's like 12:15 and Andrew and I are going to Sam's.  Might do them in a few hours.  I train a client at her house at 4:00, so that means I have to be ready to go at 3:30.  Having my bodyfat tested tonite.  Feel good about myself today, another good "me" day! :)

I feel like i've gotten leaner.  It was freezing in the gym this morning!

Wednesday night...

Had my bodyfat tested, it's about 12 percent.  I've gotta send that and my measurements to Coach A. 

I've been tired today.  Didn't skip my sprints, though.  My friend went with me to the track at 8 tonite, and timed me.  I did 5 sets of 200's, then 2 of 100's.  My legs started getting tight and my ankle hurt, plus the side stitch.  Figured i'd be careful and not overdo.  I was limping afterwards.  My 200's felt good at the beginning, I did 5 total, then 2 sets of 100's.  Legs just seem to tighten up.  They looked tight today in the quads.  I surely can say they definitely haven't been worked this way in who knows how long!  It's a good thing!  I'm glad I’m not in pain, bad pain.  I know my limits tons better, thank goodness!

Thursday 6/22/00

Today is definitely a good day to rest the legs! :)  I lifted arms and abs this morning, but I’m not doing any cardio exercises.  I get the legs massaged tonite.  I'm still a little limpy and they are still tight.

It's been a good day, despite being tired.  I feel like I need a nap.  Hmmm...

Anyhow, 2 more clients at 4:30 and 5:30.  Tomorrow is friday  and I don’t work much.  Gotta love un-busy days sometimes! 

Thursday night...

I had a good time training my clients, I worked them hard and was in a good mood!  Thermo Speed drinks help!  Anyhow, the massage wasn't as painful as I expected it to be.  My friend said I look thinner today, made me feel great!  Feel good and tired now.  Going to sleep good tonite, don't have to get up as early tomorrow, so I’ll get a good rest!

Friday 6/23/00

Had a good run this morning, I got up later because I don't have to be at work early.  Was stiff and sore at  beginning, but felt better as I went.  At the park, a friend caught up to me so I ran easy with her, it felt good to find a pace.  I did the 200 lunges and stretched and then came home.  About a 43 min run.  Got a shower!  I'm about to go train my client and then do my weights.

Friday afternoon...

Had a great back and calf workout!  Ate lunch at Bless Your Heart with my friend, now I’m home.  I’m getting tired of sitting here.  It makes me sleepy!  Gotta do sprints tonite.

Friday nite...

Went to do sprints at 7:20 and could only do 3 200's.  My legs hurt and felt so stiff, it was discouraging.  I felt mad at myself in a way, but knew I should stop instead of going on.  It hurt too bad to continue. 

Saturday 6/24/00

My brother and I went running at Tech Terrace park, but didn't run together.  I did 4 laps and my usual jog workout with lunges, and he did 2.  I was sweaty.  I've eaten pretty well today, but wanted to munch earlier, so I ate some mini rice cakes and 2 thin mint cookies here and there.  Trained dad and did shoulders and abs, which went well.  I train Myssi at 5 and then we're going to work on my “prissiness”. J  I hurt the whole time I ran this morning, but my legs feel better now.  I don't know when to take off.  It hurts and worries me, but I feel impelled to keep going. 

Sunday 6/25/00

Had a good run this morning, felt looser.  Later I did 35 min of stairmaster and then Myssi came up to help me practice my “prissiness”, but I freaked when I saw myself in the mirrors, and we didn't do it.  I felt fat and bloated and was mad and frustrated and just wigged out.  I feel bad about it.  I really was irrational.  I don't know what my deal was; it was like I freaked out.  My judgment really stinks sometimes.  I just wish I could see things the way they really are.  I'm determined for this to be a good week; I’m not going to give up.  It's just that I think I’m working so hard and I feel like I’m treading water most of the time.  I get so down on myself. 

Well, anyhow, I got a massage, which I needed because my left shoulder area and low back were tight and so were my forearms. I feel better now, but still a little frustrated.

I emailed Coach A with my week's log. 

Monday 6/26/00

Did 45 min of cardio at the gym this morning.  I'm going to do my weights and more cardio later today, after I’m done with clients at 4:30. 

Coach A suggested that I do sprints after my rest day.

This week's plan:

M - cardio am 45 min (at gym); back and abs; cardio again tonite

T - run outside;arms and calves; sprints

W - run outside; shoulders and abs

Th - run outside; leg massage; sprints


S - run outside

Sn - run outside

From Coach A’s email:


You are working hard but not smart.

#1.  Rest fully 2 days.  No workout at all on those days.  Do your

sprints on the day before rest days.

#2.  Up your protein to 80 - 100 grams/day.  Eat more good food.

1600 - 2000 kcal/day for the next 3 wks and lets see how you feel.

#3.  For your morning workouts, run slower - you must have plenty of

O2 for it to be a fat burn.

#4.  Be smart.  Eat more and rest.  Your body is working much harder

and demands the rest.  Do it!

#5.  Start investigating how to straighten your hair with a better

style.  Find someone who knows what they are doing and talk to them.

It will improve your poise.  Don't do anything yet.  Just research it.

#6.  You are doing well

Hang tuff and often,

Coach A

Rest days are so dang hard for me.  I feel lazy!  I know it's better for me to take them.  I've got to get over the mental games.  My body needs rest days.  I can't keep going on and on pushing it.

Monday night...

It's been a much better day than yesterday.  I feel better.  I've eaten well and gotten to relax today.  Been in a good mood and had good training sessions this afternoon.  I did cardio after my back/ab workout later this afternoon.  Just ate some mahi mahi (fish) and a cup of veggies. 

"The nobler sort of man emphasizes the good qualities in others, and does not accentuate the bad.  The inferior does the reverse." - Confucius


"The most important thing I have learned over the years is the difference between taking one's work seriously and taking one's self seriously. The first is imperative, and the second disastrous." -Margaret Fontey

Tuesday 6/27/00

"The greater the artist, the greater the self-doubt; perfect confidence is ranted to the less talented as a consolation prize." Robert Hughes, art critic

  Today is gray outside, cool, kinda dreary, but I feel good!  Had an awesome run this morning, I’m really feeling good about it.  I'm better at pacing myself, and I didn't hurt because I stretched before I went.  My ankle is tied to my groin, so if I stretch it, I’m fine.

Work has been good today.  I snuck in an arm workout between two appointments.  I have two more this afternoon.  Might do sprints tonite, depends on how the legs feel later and if it rains.  Might feel good to do the workout in the rain, though.



Your future is a big adventure. Prepare for it, don't live in the past.

Savor your good memories and use your bad ones as life lessons. You need to

focus on the future not your past.

  To achieve your goals in life, project your end results in your mind. Think

of the satisfaction and joy you'll feel when you attain them. Carry these

feelings with you every day and they will deliver you to your desired goal.

  Carve out a niche for yourself in your imagined future. Think and feel

yourself as being successful.

Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can. The hand of

cards you are dealt in life are less important than the way you play them.

Everyday you face a new deck and new cards.

  Success is out there for you.

Tuesday night...

My brother, Andrew, leaves tomorrow.  I did a pretty good cardio workout tonite at the gym.  Didn't do sprints outside because I wanted to have time to go to dad's and say goodbye to Andrew.  My whole left lower leg felt really weird when I switched from treadmill to stairmaster.  I've been in binge-mode all day.  Nothing bad or too out of control.  I'm fine.  I saw a picture of myself from January, and gosh my face was round!  Comparing it to now, sheesh!  I never realized...

Wednesday 6/28/00

"Sarah I want you to know that you are a wonderful woman and an inspiration to me, so thanks for being you, God really knew what he was doing when he created you. " -from an email from my friend Vinnie

Today has been ok.  I'm kinda bummed because Andrew is gone.

This morning I got up to run and my left ankle and right groin/hip flexor hurt so bad, that I ended up crawling back into bed.  I tried to tell myself it's for the best, that I need a rest day, but I still feel lazy.  I've eaten good today and vow to make that a regular thing.  No binging.  I'm sick of busting my butt working out and then eating like crap.  I do well for a while and then just go nuts.  I don't like feeling out of control. 

Anyhow, I don't have any more clients till 5:30 this afternoon.  I probably will go up to the gym before I work and do some shoulders and abs.  I'm supposed to take full rest days, meaning no workouts at all, but I just have to.  I get antsy!

"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first,  some unfinished business, time still to be served, or a debt to be paid.  Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life." - Alfred D. Souza

  Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

  "He who begun has half done. Dare to be wise; begin." - Horace

About to go to bed...

Today has been ok.  Kinda a lot on my mind, but i'm fine.  I had a good shoulder and ab workout, and towards the end, this guy just came up to me and asked me if I was a competitive bodybuilder, he was impressed with me!  I thought this was really nice, and I was flattered.  He said he wants to gain weight, so I gave him some pointers and thanked him.  Made me feel really good!  I trained 2 clients and came home.  Not too much guilt about no cardio today.  Coach Atherton emailed me back...hehe... (in response to my email earlier today)

Coach A-

>Just a quick little question...on days like today, for instance, I got up and my left ankle was hurting, so I opted to take a rest day instead of working out.  It's just a nagging pain from working out, it's tied somehow to my left groin, and stretching out really helps, so i'm making that a priority.


>Anyhow, my question is, if it feels that the impact of running is going to bother it more, would it be better for me to do the stairmaster, or just take a rest day?


>What if it's an instance where my rest day is supposed to be the following day?  I know, I know, I should pay attention to my body and let it tell me when it needs to rest.  I definately want to be able to give 110% at each workout, and being in pain doesn't make that easy.  When my legs hurt, that's all I can think about, and it makes my workouts seem so much harder than they should be.


>It's just hard for me to not feel lazy on rest days, so I guess i'm  trying to validate not working out!


Thursday 6/29/00

Today has been pretty good!  My first 2 clients cancelled, so I got to sit at home till 10:30 playing around on the computer, trying not to get bored!  It's been rainy all day.  I did cardio at the gym because of the rain.  Anyhow, I got to run errands and relax today, which was nice.  I had a great back and calf workout at 5, then did 45 more min. of cardio and got my legs massage afterwards.  I'm going to sleep well tonite because Deuce kept me up last night with his whining, since I’m crate-training him.  Such a pitiful little thing!  J

Diet has been great today!  Felt satisfied and not too bingey.  Eaten good stuff!

Saturday 7/1/00

Oops!  Forgot to write in here yesterday!  Oh well!  To recap the day, it was a good one, and I had good workouts.  I ran outside in the morning, got to run errands later in the afternoon, had lunch with mom, lifted arms and abs at 5:00, and then did 45 min of cardio. 

Today I got up and ran at 8:00 and it was a little drizzly at the beginning, which felt good.  I decided not to stop, to just do it, and I had a great workout!  It rained a little as I was coming home.  I'm doing 250 lunges in the middle of the workout this week.  Not a ton of pain, I’m trying to be smart and listen to my pain!

My throat was sore last night at bedtime, and still is today.  I'm taking lozenges for it.  Hope it's nothing bad!

Sunday 7/2/00

It's a rest day today, so I went up to the gym and practiced my walking and had Billy take some pics of me in my bikini and heels this morning.  I'm looking better!  I really notice it in the lower back/ab region.  I feel good about that. 

Monday 7/3/00

I think i'm trying to get sick or something.  I've had a sore throat and sinus drainage.  Might be the humidity.  Anyhow, I ran this morning anyway.  I felt a little sick to my stomach and wanted to quit.  I didn't really, though...I did 125 lunges each leg (supposed to do 150 each this week), and then came home, after running before the lunges of course.  Total workout was 38 minutes, so not as long as usual, but good anyway!

Coach A's response to my last email:

Coach A-

>Hey there!  Here is the past week's log for ya!  Looking back at it, I’m

>realizing my lack of calories, as you suggested 1600-2000.  I thought I was

>eating more!  Argh!  It's hard to get that much in,


>  but I’m not making any excuses, I’m just going to have to eat more each time.  Do you think more

>carbs or fat or protein at each meal?  I don't want to overdo anything.  Legs feel better this week. 


>Today I rested COMPLETELY and enjoyed it!  :)  I feel leaner today, and I would like to get my bodyfat down to 9%.


>Is that possible?  Anyhow, talk to you soon!  Hope you've had a great weekend! Sarah


Please check comments.  Better overall.  Still more calories and more rest.

Send the pics.  Do Body Fat with Caliphers on Sunday and send with report.

Hang tuff, Go TX

Coach A

Monday night...

It's been a good day!  I trained 3 clients this afternoon, then did more cardio.  Gosh I sweat a ton!  Kinda gross, but I like it!  I trained back and abs this morning, around 8:30, and that was a pretty good workout too.  I was a little weak feeling because I had only eaten breakfast, and I've got this sinus crap going on.  Well, I’m going to go eat now.  I've had about 1400 calories today, so I’m going to reach about 1700 total, which is a good thing.  Coach A stresses eating more.  Oh yeah, Sharon told me that my arms are looking more cut this evening when I was doing cardio!  Cool! :)

Wednesday 7/5/00

Yesterday was restful.  I did my running in the morning and weights/cardio later in the afternoon.  I had a good arm workout!  I have been a little sick, and it really hit me later that day, I felt so tired at 7:30 pm!

Today is going well.  I took Deuce to the vet this morning and I get to pick him up this afternoon.  He's getting neutered.  JHoping it calms him down some.  Anyhow, I did cardio this morning instead of running, since I’m planning on sprinting tonite.  Don't want to overdo the legs, so we'll see how they feel tonite.  Haven't sprinted in over a week. 

Wednesday night...

I'm still feeling under the weather.  Picked doggie up and he's fine!  I figured he'd be tired and groggy, which he was, a little bit, but still the same good ol' Deuce!

Did shoulders and abs, a good workout, and then trained a client.  It is sprints day, but I chose not to do 'em because I’m feeling weird, just did easy 30 min of cardio.  I've got chest congestion.  YUCK! 

Thursday 7/6/00

I'M SICK!!! :(

I woke up this morning around 2 am, and coughed for an hour.  Agony.  I'm tired and groggy today.  I train 3 clients today.  Fortunately it's my rest day! PRAISE THE LORD! 

Friday 7/7/00

I'm done with work for the day.  It's like 1:30 pm.  I feel better today!  Lifted back this morning.  I did 30 min of cardio too.  Didn't get up and do before-meal cardio, but that's for the best.  Better to rest than overdo!  I'm going to lift again later this afternoon and do more cardio.  Feel good today! 

Friday nite...

DEUCE IS HOUSETRAINED!!! hehe I am so proud! :)  Aside from this, I had a good shoulder workout and did 45 more min. of cardio.  I'm going to eat a salad for dinner.  I'm glad I’m not feeling yucky! 

Saturday 7/8/00

I ran this morning and it felt alright!  No pain!  Had a good workout.  Gotta lift and do 30 min of cardio later this afternoon. 

Sunday 7/9/00

Today has gone well.  Went to church this morning.  It's rest day #2 for the week.  Feel like i'm getting better, but still have some congestion.  Anyhow, got a massage today and it made me relaxed, I was out of it!  Guess I needed it!  Not too hungry today, I think because I didn't workout.  Wasn't hanging out at home too much, which was good, because I know I would've eaten even though I wasn't hungry.  I get bored.  My friend said I look like I’ve dropped some bodyfat, she can tell in the legs.  Having it tested again tomorrow night, so we'll see.

Monday 7/10/00

Got to sleep a little more this morning –early client cancelled.  Had an awesome run!  I'm able to breathe so much easier and my pace is steady and not too fast.  Did 150 lunges each leg, thought about just doing 100 or 125, but persisted and stuck it out!  Ate a good breakfast, I really like egg whites.  I've felt good today, happy, not too tired.  Right now it's about 1:30 and I train clients from 2:30-6:00, then I’m going to do my weights and more cardio.  Plan on having a good back and ab workout. 

Monday nite...

Gosh it was HOT in the gym tonite!  I did back and abs at 6:00, then some cardio, and I was a sweatbucket from hell!  Workout was great, though, and I feel good.  Pleasantly fatigued.  Diet has been good today...very good eating!  As I was leaving the gym tonite, I got stopped by a couple that works out there, and whom i've never talked to, and the husband said "she wants to look like you".  I was flattered!  :)  Made me feel great! 

Tuesday 7/11/00

This morning I ran, didn't do the lunges though.  I felt rushed b/c I had a client at 7:15, who ended up canceling, soI got to lift shoulders and calves this morning earlier than I planned.  Got it out of the way, then I got my nails done!  They are pretty!  Anyhow, trained 2 clients then did 45 min of cardio tonite.  Good workout and super sweaty.  Had about 30 minutes to rest, and then had my bodyfat tested, but it came out was because I had worked out, so we're going to redo it next week.  Shows what a difference it makes if you workout before you have it tested, and I didn't freak out or anything, cause I know it's gotta be lower than last time.  I haven't gained weight!

from Vinnie:

A Dozen Things to Do Today  

Remember that some of the world's nicest joys are its most special people, and that you are definitely one of them Take care of that special person Enjoy the ride When the world is too busy, slow it down Climb one rung higher on the ladder to your stars Imagine what the view will look like when you get where you're going Stay in touch with your inner voice; it always speaks the truth When you've been working too hard, give your batteries time to recharge  Remember that you are someone who is thought of - with friendship and with love  Keep a smile on that wonderful face of yours  Have a great day And be happy!   by Collin McCarty


Glad you are better,  5 weeks to big "D!" Beginning next week, cut down you weights on to one muscle part/week.  And increase you carrying the jugs, pull-ups, and sprinting.  Superset everything. I will look over your July 3 log and comment.  Hang tuff and often, Coach A

Don't eat too much fiber on one day!  You'll feel it!! Kcal are better, you should feel stronger? Why are you not feeling well? How much sleep are you getting? This was a much better week.  5 more to "D" What have you found out about the frizzies?  Also I suggest from your pic that you come in tanner.

Keep up the good work, Sarah. Coach A

>Coach A-

Wednesday 7/12/00

Today is going well.  Had an awesome run this morning!  I went for 46 min, did the 300 lunges, and really pushed myself.  I felt like quitting early and not doing as many lunges, but I toughed it out and felt great!  I also picked the pace up a little.  I couldn't finish my egg whites and oatmeal at breakfast, though, which was weird.  My back was hurting too, but i'm better now. 

Today I’m planning on doing some legs when I finish training my client at 3:15, then I work from 5:15-6:30 and then do sprints or cardio.  I tend to not sprint lately, haven't in a while.  It's hot out there!  Oh yeah, last night during cardio and this morning when I ran, it was harder to breathe and relax.  Just wanted to note that. 

Started tanning again today.

Did my bodyfat measurements, the ones I can do pretty accurately, this morning, and it came out to 11.5%!!!  BIG difference from last night, post-workout, which came out 16%!  It was 12.5% on 6/21, so that's some improvement, and yesterday morning I weighed 124. 

Wednesday nite...

Very good day! :)  I love this!  Things are going well, and I’m in a good mood!  I did squats this afternoon, up to 115.  Just kept adding plates and rested only enough to add the weight.  Good workout.  Did 45 min of cardio later.  Another good workout.  No sprints b/c it looked like rain and was nasty out, windy and muggy.  Oh well...anyhow, I’m about to go to bed now.  Tomorrow is rest day!  No clients till 10:30!  Wow!  A late day for me!  Oh well...till tomorrow! 

Thursday 7/13/00

REST DAY!!!  I don't have to work till 2:30, client cancelled her 10:30 appointment, so I’m sitting here trying to do some stuff at home.

Friday 7/14/00

Great day!  Had a good run this morning, got my highlights done and hair layered, and i'm going to lift back and abs and do cardio in a little bit. 

Got the Lipokinetix in today, and I just took one.  Hope it doesn't make me feel too wierd.  We'll see.

Sunday 7/16/00

Forgot to write in here yesterday!  Anyhow, saw "The Perfect Storm" and it was good.  It's been a crappy weekend, all in all.  I've felt sad.  I guess I could say that everything is ok, but it's not.  I'm just bummed out.  No reason.  Just bummed out.  I wish I had a reason for it, cause I hate it when this happens, I feel like I have no reason to be down.  It's just a blah feeling and nothing seems to make it go away.  I guess weekends tend to bring it out of me.  I'm not sitting here freaking out or bawling my eyes out or anything like that.  I'm just thinking too much I guess.

I feel like i've lost my focus on things, too.  I never seem to be satisfied with anything I do.  Perfectionism is the pits.

Tuesday 7/18/00

Today has gotten off to a great start!  Yesterday was a good day, so I feel better about myself.  I had some killer workouts yesterday!  Was happier because I was busy, I guess.  Anyhow, today I didn't have to get up super-early, so I ran at 7:45 and took a different route.  Pushed myself and did all the lunges, and I feel really good about it!  Just had my egg white breakfast.  I train a client at 11:00.  Another client today, at 5:15. 

"Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely." - Rodin

God will use our difficulties to build our faith in Him.

When the Odds are Against You

Judges 7

God uses life’s challenges to strengthen our faith in Him. The only way we know if we have learned to trust the Lord is by having our faith tested. The Hebrew children said they believe in God and wanted to live their lives for Him. However, it wasn’t until they faced the fiery furnace that their faith was tested and proven to be real.

Allow God to test what he had given you. If you have learned to trust Him, then with trials come turn to Him and proclaim your dependence on Him. When you do you will sense His strong support and encouragement.

God may require us to do things that seem unreasonable. From a human perspective, God may ask us to do something that seems off based or outside His plan. However, if we sense the Holy Spirit leading, then we must move forward and trust God to work the details out. Faith is not seeing and then believing. It is believing what we do not see and trusting a Holy God to provide it.

• God lead us to do that which bring glory to Him. God’s goal is to bring us into an intimate fellowship with Himself. This is foremost in His mind. If we have a strong trust in our ability without acknowledging our need for God, then we are going to suffer and struggle.

Tuesday night...

Well, it's been a great day!  Had good workouts today, did some chest and shoulders.  Shoulders were tired, I just trained them Sunday.  2 people said I look leaner.

Wednesday 7/19/00

"It's not an idea unless you're willing to take action on it." - Doug Hall

Well, today has been so-so.  Not too bad, at least this morning, but it could have been.  I got up too late to do my early run, cause I had to train clients at 7:30.  After I trained them, I did some good legs, deciding not to make today my rest day, and to do sprints after I trained another client.  I did the sprints about 30 minutes, and they felt good. 

Bad thing was that I went to the store, and bought a few groceries, including some snack mix, which I told myself I could control myself with, but came home and ate like half of the bag.  I took the calories into account, though, and have been careful the rest of the day with my eating.

Did 45 min of cardio and abs and had a hard time breathing and relaxing during the cardio.  Ate a good dinner and I don't have to get up super-early tomorrow, so i'll run around 7 am.

The more successful you are the greater the danger of failure.

Philippians 4:13

Saul was well educated. He was wise from a human perspective. He also understood the law of God. As a member of the Pharisees, he was given the responsibility of keeping Israel spiritual on course. However, we know that he could not do then until he met the Savior on the Damascus Road. This is where he came fact-to-face with his true identity. It also is where he under when a complete spiritual transformation.

When the odds are stacked against you, one of the first realizations that you must face is that you are nothing without Christ. Paul faced this and accepted Jesus as his Savior.

When the odds are stacked against us-

• God strips away self-dependence so that your trust is in Him alone.

• God sends encouragement when He knows you need it. Avoid pity parties. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Even though you may be facing an extreme trial, God is with you and has promised never to leave. When he tests you, He also is preparing you for blessing.

• God works behind the scenes on your behalf. We may not see God working, but He is. He never slumbers or sleeps and He has only good in mind for your life. Trust Him and you will experience His victory.

Thursday 7/20/00

Good day so far, at least I’m in a happier mood.  Had a great run this morning!  I figured out that I’m getting at least 3 miles each run.  Not bad! :)  My legs are sore and tired today, and yesterday my chest was sore and so were my obliques.

Not bad eating today.  I've eaten some mini rice cakes, but not out of control.  I've realized that if I just eat every 2 1/2 hours, and stay on track that way, I don't feel deprived.

2 cancellations today, which means I can do my weights and cardio at 5 pm, then get my legs worked on at 7:00.  Right now I’ve been kicking back at home watching TV and being on the atozfitness message board, responding to questions from readers.

I straightened my hair and have it down today.  It does look good, with the layers curled at the ends.  Have to wear it down more often.

Human performance has nothing to do with God’s grace and mercy toward us.

He comes to you when you cry out to Him, and He never turns away. Nothing can change His love for you. Nothing has the power to keep you from experiencing His blessing-not even sin once it is confessed and yielded to Him. Beloved, accept His forgiveness and love today.

"What is harder than rock, or softer than water? Yet soft water hollows out hard rock. Perseverance!" - Ovid


Tuesday 8/1/00


I've been away from home since last Friday, kidsitting.  Not too bad, I ate a lot of crap and haven't gained weight, so that's a relief.  I've been working out like a madwoman and using the Lipokinetix, so that's made the difference.  I've felt unmotivated and unchallenged with my life lately.  Last month was a slump.  Now I’m feeling better, thinking about going back to school, and trying to be more positive.  I can't keep the negativity up, it's so self-defeating. 

About the Dallas competition, I just can't seem to get excited about it, at least not like I was about Florida.  I guess since I’ve done one before and now know what to expect.  I don't like the fact that if I slip up just a little bit, which is nothing for most people (but to me, the most minor slip up is major), I just want to give in and give up and I feel like a failure. 

Had good workouts today.  Yesterday and today I did cardio 3 times, 30 min each.  I did arms this evening, and had a good workout there too.  I feel like my tummy is huge and even though people say I’ve gotten leaner, I can't see it.  I can tell that my legs have shrunk, though, it's all the running I’m doing.

Since I’ve been kidsitting, I haven't been logging my workouts on the computer for myself and Coach A.  I just don't feel like it now, even though I’m home and back in the routine.  It's really time-consuming.

Wednesday 8/2/00


Haven't taken one in over a week and a half.  About time, my body needed it!  I'm bored though, and feeling the urge to go workout because of it.  I got a puzzle to work on, so I’ll do that in a little bit.  Just have to train one client this afternoon, 5:30.  Had clients this morning.  I tanned too.


"There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction."

- Winston Churchill


Friday 8/4/00

Yesterday was a better day than Wednesday.  I did cardio 3 times, my morning run was about 45 min, I did 30 minutes at 11:30, and then 30 more at 6 pm.  Got legs massaged at 7 pm, and left hip was very tight and hurt, and it's sore today.  Now i'm at home it's almost 1:00, and i'm bored.  I'm going to go workout later this afternoon.  Dad emailed me yesterday, and it was a nice one:

Mom emailed me yesterday:

Dear Sarah,

 I know how it feels to be unchallenged..think about why working on a Masters is a good idea.  Ask yourself:  Would a Masters give me more options or a chance to do more?  What would I get a Masters in?  Or do you need a change of scenery?  Do you still want to start your own business?  What do you feel passionate about?  What is your bliss?  If you do not feel excited about this Dallas competition, then rethink if you need to go or not.  Also, maybe competitions are not the healthiest thing for you to do or just maybe you are not so driven this time, which just might be better.

Love you,  MOM

Sunday 8/6/00

I'm seriously questioning my need to compete in Dallas.  I have done so much in preparation for it, but my heart hasn't been in it lately, and I'm doubting myself.  I'm not looking forward to it.  Today is a rest day, and I’m determined to not feel bad about not working out.  I've been feeling more and more controlled by working out over the past few weeks.  I really do think I have a problem with this, and I need help with it.  It controls my life and I keep letting it control my life because I don't know how to go on otherwise.  It's my coping mechanism, and the way I can feel good about myself.  The catch is, the more I workout, the worse I feel and the fatter I think I am. 


Dad and I went to dinner and had an AWESOME talk.  I feel TONS better!  Almost started crying!  We talked about family, problems, and that I have decided not to compete in Dallas.  Yep, you heard right...this is something that has really been bothering me the past couple of weeks.  I am not happy about the thought of competing right now, even after all my work, it's just not fun and I’m not looking forward to it, because it's made me miserable...SO...I’m not going to compete this month.  No one is going to care, and I’m going to do my best to not feel bad about what I’ve decided.  There are so many more important things that I need to focus on right now, like getting to the root of my issues and going back to school.  I want to live each day 110%, not just go through the motions like a robot not having the least bit of fun.  It's amazing what good getting stuff off your chest can do.